What is a Volcano?What is a volcano? A volcano is an opening in the earth’s crust. Where hot liquid rocks from deep called magma erupts to the surface....
Christmas 2019 in Ballyleague N.S.Getting ready to celebrate Ballyleague N.S Christmas Carol Service 2019 in Ballyleaguye Church...
'It's a Wrap' ProjectWe took part in a project called IT's a Wrap" organised by Dr Yvonne Lang of Sligo I.T. We collected all the plastic wrapping materials...
Bricks 4 Kidz WorkshopTo celebrate Science week we took part in a lego making event for all. Everyone took part and enjoyed learning, designing and making....
Ballyboro' Soccer Club Opens a Fantastic New Astro Turf Facility.To celebrate the opening of the new state of the art astro turf pitch at the back of Lanesborough Community College, pupils from 4th, 5th...
Designing and Making a Space Buggy!We are learning all about planet earth in space. In space there is very little gravity. In order to survive in space you will need...
Our wonderful trip to AtlantaquariaOn Thursday, 24th October pupils from third class up to sixth class travelled to Atlantaquaria in Galway. All pupils were ecstatic about...
Percussion InstrumentsPictured are the pupils in Junior and Senior Infants enjoying a workshop on percussion instruments.
Spooky - Dress UpA great effort was made by all the pupils dressing up for Hallowe'en this year - well done all!
Bulb Planting for SpringToday pupils from 1st and 2nd classes were very busy planting daffodils and tulips for the Spring. Ballyleague Tidy Towns Committee...